

We carry both full and half McKenzie Bakrol products depending on your height and build. These Bakrols are part of our protocol for lumbar spine disc derangement injuries as they help speed up recovery. However, they’re great for anyone looking to promote spine health while working at their desk every day!


Our full Bakrest is the perfect solution for those long car rides! More passive support than the Bakrol, the Bakrest can easily be moved in and out of your car to your office and back!

Posture Medic

Be honest.. how’s your posture right now? This brace is designed to prevent you from hunching and slouching (especially while you’re at the computer or on your smartphone)!! If you experience mid-back or neck pain while you’re working, this might be the brace for you. This brace requires proper sizing; so we always recommend booking a session with one of our therapists who can fit you properly and set up a proper program to fix your posture for good!